Tagged "IIS"

Locked Files Publishing .NET Core Apps

How to deal with locked files when deploying a .NET Core application to IIS when using MSDeploy and PowerShell.

Keeping IIS Sites Alive With PowerShell

Exploring various options to keep low activity sites active so prevent cold restarts on IIS using .NET.

Tagged: IIS, PowerShell

How to Automate IIS Log Clean Up

PowerShell script to delete old log files for all websites on the server automatically.

Tagged: IIS

How To Redirect WWW. with Web.config

Redirect your www traffic with your web.config

Tagged: IIS

Deploying To A VPS with Psake and WebDeploy 3.0

Setting up IIS, ports, permissions, and SQL Server Express. Migrating from shared hosting to a VPS with Psake, MSBuild and WebDeploy 3.0.

Tagged: IIS

How To Redirect WWW. To The Root of Your Application With IIS

Improve SEO and link building buy redirecting your www. sub-domain to your domain.

Tagged: IIS